I grew up on a farm in west central Minnesota, a mile from the nearest town of 300 people. We visited my mother's sister in Minneapolis often and, in my mind, urban life made my rural existence pale by comparison. I could hardly wait to graduate and leave small town life behind.

Fast forward thirty-five years. College, office jobs, marriage, the usual; except no children (by chance, not by choice). My husband's job layoff and subsequent heart attack turned our lives upside down. We found, without his income, we could no longer afford our city lifestyle. At the same time my mother, now 86, still lived on the family farm but had reached a point where she could no longer live there alone. We solved both problems by moving back home in December of 2006.

I envision this blog as a chronicle of our adaptation to rural life, as well as a home for my thoughts, opinions, memoirs, and maybe even recipes. ~January 15, 2007

This photo is courtesy of Gracey at Morguefile.com who is kind enough to allow this use of her photos for free. This is not a photo of the area where I live, but I chose it for its similarity. At some point I will replace it with a photo of our Minnesota farm. At this writing it is -10F so I will not be taking any outdoor photos anytime soon.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Five things that made me smile

I've been tagged by JTL to write five things that have made me smile this week. After writing the Goodbye post, I need some cheering up. Here goes.

  • Finding a recipe for avocado pie and then being told by the grocery man that avocados are going on sale next week for 68 cents each. Avocados are like gold in Minnesota. Anything under $1.50 each is a steal. I am so jealous of folks who can go out in the backyard and pick as many as they wish. I once stayed in a California home where the avocado tree was groaning with fruit. Standing under it was like standing under a money tree. I felt like those were dollar bills hanging down over my head.
  • Playing Neopets with my eight-year-old niece. Her parents want her to be older before she has her own internet accounts but they are allowing her to play Neopets on an account in my name when she is here visiting, which is every Friday night. This is more interactive for the two of us than it probably sounds. Our only working computer at the moment is the laptop. Lacking a desk, we have to balance the unit on our laps, on top of a piece of wood (for air circulation) and a pillow (for comfort). She just does not have enough "lap" to manage it. So, when she and I play on the computer, I sit in the recliner and hold it all in my lap while she sits on an ottoman at my side and plays her games. In such close quarters, definitely quality time.
  • My current cross stitch project. It is my most ambitious piece so far, and I am pushing to finish it for a friend's birthday party, with less than a week left. With every stitch I picture the look on her face when she opens it. We have known each other for over 30 years, and she has been such a steadfast friend through all our recent difficulties. I will have a progress photo posted later today on that blog. Of course I realize I will now have to start friendship pieces for several other friends who have been just as steadfast and supportive. That's part of the joy of doing cross stitch: giving it away.
  • Listening to J playing with the outdoor kitties under my window. He has never been around kittens before. His mother did not allow their family to have any pets when he was growing up. I had a cat when he met me but she was full grown, so this is new to him. He has taken on the task of feeding them every day, which now entails dressing in layers of warm clothes (it has been below zero here for several days now and is expected to stay there for a few more days) and hauling water and catfood to the former chickencoop where the outside cats live. They follow him around like the Pied Piper. He picks up each one in turn and loves them up. It is so sweet to watch. Smitten with kittens. More about the cats here.
  • This website. I check it every day to see if there is anything new or any new concerts scheduled. If I need cheering up I just browse the photo gallery. I may blog in the future about what this guy has meant to me and how he has changed my life.


Annie Z said...

Wonderful list, Barb. So glad you participated!

Tink said...

Avocado and pie, two words I never imagined I'd hear together. Is it sweet? I'm dying to try it.

This list is great. Definitely reasons to smile. Especially the kittens.

Gel said...

Hi Barb,
It is very interesting to read these tidbits about you! I also noticed you love to read, as do I, by your paperback exchange blog. I admire crosstichers. I hope you'll post photos of your work here?

(I'm an artist, but do not have the skill to do needlework or crosstichery.)

I feel at home here even though I'm far from a farm girl. I think it's the welcoming feel here.

Although my blog is for writing and art, it is also a mix. I love music and try to post "Tuesday Afternoon Tunes" every Tues. I sometimes miss a tues or it's not posted until Wed.If you like music, like to read the background behind my choices (which is often a short anecdote or any reason)and/or especially see other readers' participation, please join us. (It's not a meme, purely for enjoyment and sharing).